




王亚冰,必赢3003no1线路检测中心必赢3003no1线路检测中心副教授,云山青年学者,外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心兼职研究员。香港中文大学(教育心理学方向)博士,新西兰奥克兰大学(应用语言学方向)博士后,澳大利亚昆士兰大学心理系访问学者。主要研究兴趣包括外语学习情绪、情绪调节、写作反馈等。近五年来以第一作者或通讯作者在国内外教育学、心理学及语言学SSCI & CSSCI期刊发表论文近30篇,代表作发表在System, Language Teaching Research, Clinical Psychology Review, Journal of Counselling Psychology, Mindfulness, Applied Linguistics Review, Assessing Writing, Reading and Writing,Current Psychology, Asian Journal of Psychiatry以及《中国外语》《外语界》《外语教学》等。担任国际期刊System, Language Teaching Research, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural DevelopmentSSCI期刊匿名审稿人。主持省级、市厅级等项目多项。多次获必赢3003no1线路检测中心科研业绩奖,校级考核优秀,外教社杯大学英语教学比赛广东赛区




论文发表代表作 *代表通讯作者)

王亚冰,徐建. (2024). 外语成长型思维与写作反馈寻求行为路径探究 —— 有调节的中介模型. 《中国外语》, 21(2), 67-75. (CSSCI)

Wang, Y., Wang, N*., & Shen, B. (2024). A network approach to language learning burnout, negative emotions, and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching. (SSCI; Q1)

Wang, Y., Xu, J*., Li, H., & Qi, J. (2024). The impact of future L2 selves and positive emotions on self-regulated writing strategies: A mixed method approach. Language Teaching Research, 13621688241229534. (SSCI; Q1)

Xu, J., & Wang, Y.* (2024). Measuring and profiling growth language mindsets, conscientiousness, and social-emotional learning among university L2 learners: a variable-and person-centered perspective. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. (SSCI, Q1)

Xu, J., & Wang, Y.* (2024). Do I need feedback or avoid it in L2 writing? Impact of self-efficacy and shyness on feedback-seeking behaviors. Assessing Writing. (SSCI; Q1)

Zheng, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, Shuxia., & Michael Yi-Chao Jiang.* (in press). Examining the moderating effect of motivation on technology acceptance of text-based generative AI for English as a foreign language learning. Education and Information Technologies. (SSCI; Q1)

Liu, F., Wang, Y*., Wang, N., Ye, Z., & Fang, S. (2023). Embracing the Ebb and Flow of Life: A Latent Profile Analysis of Impermanence and Its Association with Mental Health Outcomes Among Chinese College Students. Mindfulness. (SSCI; Q2)

Wu, W., Wang, Y*., & Huang, R. (2023). Teachers matter: Exploring the impact of perceived teacher affective support and teacher enjoyment on L2 learners’ grit and burnout. System. (SSCI; Q1)

Xu, J., & Wang, Y*. (2023). The differential mediating roles of ideal and ought-to L2 writing selves between growth mindsets and self-regulated writing strategies. System. (SSCI; Q1)

Lai, C*., Chen, Q., Wang, Y., & Qi, X. (2023). Individual Interest, Self-Regulation and Self-Directed Language Learning with Technology beyond the Classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology. (SSCI; Q1)

Wang, Y., & Xu, J*. (2023). A Latent Profile Analysis of L2 Writing Emotions and Their Relations to Writing Buoyancy, Motivation and Proficiency. Applied Linguistics Review. (SSCI; Q1)

Liu, F., Chui, H., Chong, E. S. K., & Wang, Y.* (2023). LGBQ Affirmative Practice and Psychological Well-Being in China. Journal of Counseling Psychology. (SSCI; Q1)

Xu, J., & Wang, Y.* (2023). Individual differences in L2 writing feedback-seeking behaviors: The predictive roles of various motivational constructs. Assessing Writing. (SSCI; Q1)

Xu, J., & Wang, Y.* (2023). The impact of academic buoyancy and emotions on university students’ self‑regulated learning strategies in L2 writing classrooms. Reading and Writing.  (SSCI; Q2)

Shen, B., Wang, Y*., Yang, Y., & Yu, X. (2023). Relationships Between Chinese University

EFL Learners’ Academic Emotions and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Strategies: A Structural Equation Model. Language Teaching Research. (SSCI; Q1)

Wang, Y., & Liu, F*. (2023). Emotional Intelligence and Second/Foreign Language Achievement: A Meta-analytic Review. Language Teaching Research. (SSCI; Q1)

Zhong, S., Wang, Y*., & Wu, W. (2023). Exploring the Mediating Role of Emotions Between Growth Language Mindset and Engagement Among EFL Learners. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. (SSCI; Q2)

Liu, F., Ren. Z., Chui, H., & Wang, Y. (2023). Coming Out Among Chinese Lesbian and Gay Individuals: A Latent Profile Analysis. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. (SSCI; Q2)

Wang, N., Chung, M. C., Wang, Y., & Liu. F. (2023). The impact of adolescent profiles of posttraumatic stress, emotion regulation, and disorganized attachment on posttraumatic growth and psychiatric symptoms: Academic stress and ecocentrism as covariates. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. (SSCI; Q1)

Chung, M., Wang, Y*., Wu, X., Wang, N., Liu, F., & Ye, Z. (2022). Comparison between emerging adults and adults in terms of contamination fear, post-COVID-19 PTSD and psychiatric comorbidity. Current Psychology. (SSCI; Q3)

Wang, N., Chung, M., Liu, F., & Wang, Y. (2022). Posttraumatic stress on Chinese adolescents’ posttraumatic growth: The role of trauma centrality and emotion regulation. Current Psychology. (SSCI; Q3)

王亚冰 & 黄运亭*(2022). 自我效能感与二语成就关系的元分析. 《外语界》3, 89-96.


薛荷仙 & 王亚冰*(2022). 外语情绪调节策略与外语情绪:基于潜在剖面分析. 《外语教学》, 43(4), 62-68. (CSSCI)

Wang, Y., Shen, B*., & Yu, X. (2021). A latent profile analysis of EFL learners’ self-efficacy: Associations with academic emotions and language proficiency. System. (SSCI; Q1)

Wang, Y., Chung, M. C., Wang, N., & Justin Kenardy*. (2021). Social support and posttraumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 85. (SSCI, Q1; 高被引; IF=12)

Wang, Y., Chung, M. C., & Wang, N*. (2021). Parenting revisited: Profiles and associations with psychological distress among traumatized Chinese adolescents. Current Psychology.          (SSCI; Q1)

Wang, N., Chung, M. C., & Wang, Y*. (2020). The relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder, trauma centrality, posttraumatic growth and psychiatric co-morbidity among Chinese adolescents. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 49:101940. (SSCI; Q2)

Wang, Y., & Chung, M. C*. (2020). Linking rejection sensitivity, shyness and unsociability with posttraumatic stress disorder and psychiatric co-morbidity among Chinese adolescents. Psychiatric Quarterly, 91(2), 309-319. (SSCI, Q3)


1. 二语情绪多层次模型动态机制研究(在研),广东省哲学社会科学规划 2023年度青年项目(项目编号:GD23YWY03)

2. 基于密集追踪的大英课堂情绪波动机制研究(在研),广东省普通高校特色创新类项目 (哲学社会科学)

3. 新时代卫生健康事业重大变革的广州实践研究——大学生抑郁在线识别及表达性写作干预研究(在研),广州市社科规划项目(项目编号:2023GZQN44

4. 控制-价值理论视角下大学英语课堂积极情绪促进机制研究(在研),必赢3003no1线路检测中心外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心招标项目

5. 情绪智力、学业情绪与二语成就关系研究(已结项),必赢3003no1线路检测中心高层次引进人才项目 (项目编号:2021RC234

6. 情绪智力与二语成就关系的元分析(已结项),必赢3003no1线路检测中心校级青年项目(项目编号:21QN03















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