序号 |
类别 |
作者 |
成果名称 |
备注 |
1 |
一类 |
黄蔷 |
Comparing teacher roles in f2f learning and online learning in a blended English course |
一类论文共计12篇 |
2 |
一类 |
杨韶刚 |
Predictors of children’s rights attitudes and psychological well-being among rural and urban mainland Chinese adolescents |
3 |
一类 |
朱其韵 |
Dialogue within peer feedback processes: Clarification and negotiation of meaning |
4 |
一类 |
梁利娟 |
The effect of inhibitory control and its training on L1 and a new learned language switching |
5 |
一类 |
梁利娟 |
Gender constraint in L1 and L2 reflexive pronoun resolution by Chinese-English bilinguals |
6 |
一类 |
熊涛 |
Localizing immersion education: A case study of an international bilingual education program in south China |
7 |
一类 |
熊涛 |
“It Was Because I Could Speak English That I Got the Job”: Neoliberal Discourse in a Chinese English Textbook Series |
8 |
一类 |
刘丽 |
The Partial Productivity of Schematic Idioms in Chinese: Evidence from Speakers’ Judgement |
9 |
一类 |
许悦婷 |
Is assessment for learning feasible in large classes? Challenges and coping strategies from three case studies |
10 |
一类 |
许悦婷 |
Assessment in the language classroom: teachers support student learning, by L. Cheng and J. Fox (Eds.). London, UK: Palgrave, 2017, 246 pp. |
11 |
一类 |
刘丽 |
汉语构式成语能产性的习得研究 |
12 |
一类 |
杨韶刚 |
Predictors of children’s rights attitudes and psychological well-being among rural and urban mainland Chinese adolescents |
13 |
二类 |
权立宏 |
Book Review: Conversation Analysis |
二类论文共计12篇 |
14 |
二类 |
许悦婷 |
A methodological review of L2 teacher emotion research: Advances, challenges and future direction |
15 |
二类 |
魏海苓 |
构建人类命运共同体视域下的中国外语战略规划 |
16 |
二类 |
韩艳梅 |
语言景观之跨文化互文现象研究 |
17 |
二类 |
刘芳 |
反思中国佛经译论史之“文质之争”——以“文”派支谦为例 |
18 |
二类 |
刘会英 |
社会-认知视角下ELF交际中干预性评价话语研究——以“跨洋互动”同伴互评话语为例 |
19 |
二类 |
陈水玲 |
An Empirical Study of Scaffolding Instruction in ESP Teaching |
20 |
二类 |
杨韶刚 |
A commentary reflection of moral psychology based on embodied cognition |
21 |
二类 |
肖建芳 |
From Integrated English to Deep Approach to Languages and Cultures |
22 |
二类 |
张倩 |
Research on Moral Judgment Competency of College Students in Mainland China with DIT-2 |
23 |
二类 |
刘建金 |
Chinese Adolescents’ Conceptions of Teacher Authority and Their Relations to Rule Violations in School |
24 |
二类 |
王晓雯 |
From Near Synonyms to Power Relation Variations in Communication: A Cross-strait Comparison of |
25 |
三类 |
陈金诗 |
全能提高型大学英语课程教学体系的创构与实践——以必赢3003no1线路检测中心为例 |
三类论文共计28篇 |
26 |
三类 |
黄蔷 |
Teachers' roles in online learning:the student Perspective |
27 |
三类 |
朱三毛 |
A Corpus Based Study on Conceptual Transfer Involving Classifier-noun Collocation Errors Made by Advanced-level Chinese as Second Language Learners |
28 |
三类 |
宁大利 |
A Longitudinal Study on the L2 Word Depth Knowledge (Meaning and Collocation) Development in China from Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective |
29 |
三类 |
钱亚敏 |
Using Rubrics in A University EFL Process Writing Program: An Exploratory Case Study |
30 |
三类 |
张骏宇 |
Moving from Logogenesis to Ontogenesis in ESP Textbooks: Using Cambridge English for Scientists as an Example |
31 |
三类 |
李颖卉 |
On the Reactivity of Think-Aloud as a Data Collection Tool and the Potential Modulating Effect of Think-Aloud Instruction on the Reactivity of this Tool |
32 |
三类 |
李颖卉 |
How to Define and Identify Clause Elements in Mandarin Chinese |
33 |
三类 |
李颖卉 |
How does student interpreters' interpreting performance relate to their performance in summarizing? |
34 |
三类 |
唐亚琪 |
A Three-Dimension Approach to the Narrative of Lyric Poetry: Sound, Form and Meaning |
35 |
三类 |
张倩 |
Research on Kohlberg’s Theory and Practice in China |
36 |
三类 |
徐里居 |
Learning and Retaining Technical Vocabulary with Enhancement Activities in an ESP Course |
37 |
三类 |
吕琳琼 |
Teacher, teaching, and technology: The changed and unchanged |
38 |
三类 |
吕琳琼 |
Role of Email in Intercultural Communication of Criticism in a Chinese English Curriculum Reform Context |
39 |
三类 |
康叶钦 |
The Effect of EFL Teachers’ Training in Rural West China: Evidence from Phonics-oriented Program |
40 |
三类 |
许悦婷 |
Not just listening to the teacher's voice: A case study of a university English teacher's use of audio feedback on social media in China |
41 |
三类 |
许悦婷 |
Is assessment for learning feasible in large classes? Challenges and coping strategies from three case studies |
42 |
三类 |
谢剑萍 |
Advances and current trends in language teacher identity research |
43 |
三类 |
李惠胤 |
My Childhood |
44 |
三类 |
葛静萍 |
Between Convention and Innovation -- A Border Crossing in The Summer Before the Dark |
45 |
三类 |
杨贝 |
Collocation and Semantic Prosody: On the Usage of |
46 |
三类 |
杨贝 |
The Usage of Because of-Words in British National Corpus |
47 |
三类 |
姚银燕 |
Multimodal Construal of Attitude in the Online City Guide of Guangzhou |
48 |
三类 |
姚银燕 |
A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of the Promotional Video of Hangzhou |
49 |
三类 |
杨小婉 |
A Corpus-based Study of Modal Verbs in Chinese Learners' Academic Writing |
50 |
三类 |
杨小婉 |
Stance in News Discourse - An Analysis of Two News Reports in Daily Newspapers in China and the US |
51 |
三类 |
康叶钦 |
课程-学习-教师一体化发展教学模式的实践研究——基于小学英语浸入式教学的案例 |
52 |
三类 |
宫丽丽 |
面子共建理论下潜在面子威胁行为的人际语用研究 |