

时间:2008年12月31日 点击:



Two and a half years ago, we came here in different moods, one with a dream of being a good teacher, the other with many dreams except for teaching. Education tends to transform people. After almost 3 years of learning in the Faculty of English Education, the teachers transform us successfully. The one who loved teaching before deepens her love towards teaching; the other who hates teaching begins to fall in love with it. Tonight, we are standing on the same stage with the same dream. C stands for cooperation, A attitude, I interaction. With perfect cooperation, good attitude and proper interactions, we are ready to win.


必赢3003no1线路检测中心 元爱清 袁希 谭敏源

TT, talented teacher. Teaching is an enjoyable journey. With plenty of confidence, passions, and energy, we want to be talented teachers; and we believe that we can be talented teachers!


必赢3003no1线路检测中心 胡旭丹 王鑫

Creative and active teachers. We took part in the first micro-teaching competition in 2006,unfortunately,we failed.Today,we come back!!!!!


必赢3003no1线路检测中心 方春霞 田静

C&K----) Chelsea & Kerina

As future English teachers, we believe that everyone has the ability of learning English well. Those who do not learn well owes to the reason that they haven’t met the right teacher. We realize a very important fact that if we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. That is why we are together with you, striving our best to be an excellent English teacher today!


必赢3003no1线路检测中心 段蕊 熊春苑

We are Cudy, lovely, capable and energetic.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery. Today is the gift; we believe that our dream will come true.


商务英语学院 刘慧曦林淑贞张少敏

Have you had an overall preparation for your future? Here we don't mean the career future, we mean the marrital future. What to expect when you are expecting? we expect what you are expecting. Next, let’s welcome team EXPECTING, they will teach you what to do when you are having a new life inside your body.








电话:(020) 39328080

传真:(020) 39328080