

时间:2024年03月28日 点击:

2024327日上午,必赢官网社会文化理论与外语教育研究中心通过线上平台,举办今年首场公益学术讲座。本次讲座邀请到来自美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学应用语言学系CALPER研究中心的Karen Johnson教授,主题为:响应式调节与新手L2 教师教学立场的转变(Responsive Mediation and Shifting Novice L2 Teacher Instructional Stance



讲座开始前,必赢3003no1线路检测中心院长吴岩教授致欢迎辞。随后,Johnson教授围绕响应式调节与新手L2教师教学立场为主题,从研究者视角详细阐释了第二语言教师教育教学法,深入探讨了在二语教师专业发展中的重要作用。Johnson教授结合最近开展的实证研究,展示了新手教师的教学立场在专业教师教育的调节下发生的转变。讲座过程中,Johnson教授还通过录像资料展示了新手教师在参与特定概念(如:Logos, Ethos, Pathos)教学过程中如何促进其不断提高教学能力,同时为 L2 学生创造和营造有意义的学习环境。其中,Johnson教授重点强调了响应式调节中的一条重要的准则You are supposed to teach off your students rather than teach at you students”,并且将这个原则定位为用心开展教学的第二语言教师教育的核心同时她建议新手教师应将此原则作为心理工具(psychological tool),用于检查和指导他们设计、实施和评估自己的第二语言教学的重要维度。








Karen E. Johnson is Kirby Professor of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics at The Pennsylvania State University, Stanford Top 2% Scientist in the world in Education research. Her scholarship has been devoted to building theory and conducting research on L2 teacher cognition within and for the field of L2 teacher education. Grounded in a Vygotskian sociocultural ‘theory of mind’, her scholarship centers on understanding the learning of L2 teaching, the activity of L2 teaching, and the practices of L2 teacher education. She has accomplished this by empirically documenting the dialogic mediation that emerges inside the practices of L2 teacher education, tracing L2 teacher development as it is unfolding, and detailing the consequences of these interactions on the ways in which L2 teachers begin to think about and attempt to enact their instructional practices with L2 students in the socially situated institutions in which they live and work. Additionally, she has argued that the transformative power of teachers engaging in narrative activities lies in its ability to ignite cognitive processes that can foster L2 teacher professional development and, as a result, critical to the design, enactment, and assessment of the consequences of L2 teacher education. She has published nine scholarly books, the most recent Praxis-oriented Pedagogy for Novice L2 Teacher: Developing Teacher Reasoning (2023, Routledge). At the core of this book lies a unique set of pedagogical concepts: linguistically compact, conceptually rich chunks of language that function as psychological tools for L2 teaching. In the MA TESL and the Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics degree programs, she teaches courses in Teaching English as a Second Language, Teaching L2 Writing, Communication in Second Language Classrooms, Theory and Research in Language Teacher Education, and Sociocultural Theory and L2 Learning.






(初审:周靖凯 复审:刘之远 终审:骆银花)






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